I was born quite a while ago. Sometime around the middle of the last century. Before President Kennedy was assassinated but after the bomb fell on Hiroshima.

I grew up in LaGrange, Illinois. It was a good place to grow up.

I attended two Beatles concerts. Didn’t hear much at either.

My husband, Don, and I live in St. Charles, Illinois. The Fox River runs through it. Nice place to live. Two cats live with us: Skye and Jura. My husband likes the convenience of cats. He is allergic to them, so he gets props for agreeing to two in the house. (The deal was two cats or one dog.)

Strangest thing I’ve ever done: jump out of a perfectly good airplane (with a parachute). Six times. Enough to know there were better ways (for me) to have fun.

Better ways to have fun: cooking dinner for family and friends, Chicago theater, the Cubs, traveling, listening to the rain while I’m reading. … I hope I’m nowhere near finished finding favorites.

Favorite places: The Hebrides; Shetland; County Galway, Ireland; Helsinki, Finland. Chicago.

Music: Runrig (If you’ve never heard them, check them out. Scottish Celtic rock), Beethoven (especially that 7th Symphony), Tom Paxton, the Beatles, Neil Young

iPhone ringtone: “Game of Thrones” (If George R.R. kills off Tyrion, I am so done.)

Tradition: My brother, Bruce, and I have been alternately gifting each other the same piece of coal every year for about 25 years. Gets harder and harder to come up with a clever delivery system. If we keep at this long enough, one year one of us will get a diamond.

What’s with the ravens?  (This website used to have Ravens on it!) They feed my muse.

Best lesson learned: Dumb-ass choices won’t destroy your life. Not if you find a way to use them in your writing.

Speaking of writing, I’ve written a few books. If you visit my Amazon author page, you will see the entire list!

My website is a little sparse right now. Something happened – not sure what. I have a geek friend looking into it. For now, it’s a work in progress.